News — coop
Tips On Raising Poultry
Raising chickens on your estate or even in your backyard is a very fulfilling activity that requires dedicated time and practice. No matter how large of an operation you’re running, there are many important tips on raising poultry that every beginner must be aware of. Once everything is up and running smoothly, you may be surprised how little maintenance is necessary, but this, of course, is the product of proper planning and preparation. Begin by choosing a coop location on your property. Chickens do not need copious space to thrive, but it’s best to reserve at least a 6 ft...
- Tags: chick, chicken coop, chicken feed, chickens, coop, fresh eggs, hemp bedding, how to raise chicks, pine shavings, raising chickens, raising chicks
Caring for Backyard Chickens in Winter
Chickens are becoming more and more widespread in suburban areas, and a backyard flock can be a wonderful part of sustainable living. To keep your chickens healthy, comfortable, and productive in winter, however, it is important to provide them with the proper cold weather care. Can Your Chickens Care for Themselves in Winter? Chickens are well-adapted to survive even very cold winter weather. Their feathers provide excellent insulation, and the birds can fluff their feathers to create an even warmer coat. They may even tuck their bills or feet into fluffy feathers to keep those bare parts warm. On sunny...